miércoles, 29 de agosto de 2007

キャラ博 - キャラクターデザイン公募サイト。毎月のお題や、クライアントの募集課題への優秀作を紹介。

キャラ博 - キャラクターデザイン公募サイト。毎月のお題や、クライアントの募集課題への優秀作を紹介。
国展 - 国画会主催の美術展覧会。概要と日程、会員作家の作品、各部の紹介。
文化庁メディア芸術祭 - マンガ、アニメ、ゲーム、Web、コンピュータグラフィックス、 インタラクティブアート等のメディア作品を募集し毎年開催。
日本美術展覧会(日展) - 日展の概要と主な作品を紹介。展覧会日程、国内の美術館案内。
東京展 - 美術展覧会。出品案内、受賞作品の紹介。平面、立体、版画、イラスト、写真、絵本。
Geisai - 村上隆がプロデュースする「芸術の祭典」。アートフェスティバルとコンペの複合イベント。
Inter-Art Museum - アマチュアアーティストの作品を掲載し人気投票によりI-AM年間グランプリを表彰。併せて図工だいすきこども美術展の紹介。
SJP大阪プログラムガイド - スウェーデン日本芸術交流プログラム(SJP)の大阪での活動ガイド。SJP大阪国際美術展、参加アーティスト、スウェーデンのアートシーン紹

あいち国際女性映画祭 - 上映作品の紹介、プログラム案内。主に女性監督作品を上映。

あいち国際女性映画祭 - 上映作品の紹介、プログラム案内。主に女性監督作品を上映。
あおもり映画祭 - 作品紹介と上映案内。青森県内の映画館案内。青森県。
あきた十文字映画祭 - 邦画、新人監督、アジア圏をテーマに上映。作品紹介と上映案内。秋田県十文字町。
あきる野映画祭 - 上映リスト、会場マップ。東京都あきる野市。
ぎふアジア映画祭 - 開催案内、上映日程。岐阜県岐阜市。
さっぽろ映画祭 - 作品紹介と上映案内。北海道札幌市。
しまね映画祭 - 案内、上映作品、スケジュール、あゆみ。島根県松江市。
しんぐうシネマサミット - 地域が関わった映画の上映や関連企画の案内と掲示板。福岡県新宮町。
しんゆり映画祭 - プログラム、上映スケジュール、会場案内。神奈川県川崎市で開催。
すかがわ国際短編映画祭 - プログラム、チケット情報、周辺の観光案内。福島県須賀川市。
せとうち映像祭 - 香川県高松市。香川県芸術祭の一環として開催。応募要項、過去の受賞作の紹介。
にいがた国際映画祭 - 映画祭概要、チケット情報、会場案内。上映作品の紹介。
ひがしね湯けむり映画祭 - 昭和30年代から40年代の作品を上映。作品紹介と上映案内。山形県東根市。
ひろしま映像展 - ジャンル、プロアマ、メディア不問のインディーズムービーイベント。広島市。
ぴあフィルムフェスティバル - 映画コンペティションPFFアワードが中心の映画祭。上映案内、作品、日程。
みちのく国際ミステリー映画祭 - 概要、作品紹介、スケジュール。岩手県盛岡市。
ゆうばり国際・冒険ファンタスティック映画祭 - リゾート型映画祭。コンペと招待作品、開催案内。北海道夕張市。
アイスランド映画祭 - アイスランド映画専門。上映作品の紹介、スケジュール。
アジアフォーカス・福岡映画祭 - 上映作品・会場の案内、スケジュール、映画祭の歴史の紹介。
アジア海洋映画祭イン幕張 - アマチュア部門の短編ビデオコンペ、関連イベント。
アンダー10ミニッツデジタルシネマフェスティバル - 10分以内の映像作品のフェスティバル。概要、募集要項。東京都。
イメージフォーラム・フェスティバル - 実験映像の祭典。概要と作品募集。東京、横浜、京都、福岡。
インディーズアニメフェスタ - 若手アマチュアクリエイターの上映会。概要、スケジュール。東京都三鷹市。
インディーズムービー・フェスティバル - イベントの紹介、受賞作品の情報。作品に投票することもできる。
シネアスト・オーガニゼーション大阪エキシビジョン - 開催案内。企画制作者とコンペ作品の募集。大阪府大阪市。
シネマコリア - 開催案内。上映作品の紹介。東京、名古屋、札幌、大阪。
ショウビフィルムフェスティバル - 学園祭における一般公募のコンペ。開催案内、募集要項。埼玉県川越市。
ショートショートフィルムフェスティバル - 日本各地で開催される短編映画祭。アジアの作品を扱うフェスティバルも開催。
ショートピース仙台短篇映画祭 - 特集とコンペティションの案内。過去の記録。宮城県仙台市。
フランス映画祭 - 上映作品、スケジュールの案内。会場地図、チケット情報。
プラネット映画祭 - 自主映画の上映。開催案内と募集要項。大阪府大阪市。
プレアデス国際短編映画祭 - ニューメディアやデジタルといった新しい映像表現方法に注目。開催案内。
ヨコハマ映画祭 - 上映案内。受賞作品と受賞者のリスト。神奈川県横浜市。
三重映画フェスティバル - 上映案内とスケジュール。三重県。
世界自然・野生生物映像祭 - 2年毎の開催。富山県富山市。
中津川映画際 - 日本映画の上映。開催案内と作品紹介。岐阜県中津川市。
京都国際学生映画祭 - 学生の自主映画祭。上映案内と受賞作品の紹介。京都府京都市。
京都映画祭 - スケジュール、上映作品紹介、会場地図。京都府。
伊参スタジオ映画祭 - 開催概要と上映案内。シナリオ募集。群馬県吾妻郡中之条町。
函館港イルミナシオン映画祭 - 青函映画の街宣言を掲げ青函交流を図る。上映案内。北海道函館市。
北信濃小布施映画祭 - 作品紹介と上映案内。長野県上高井郡小布施町。
古湯映画祭 - 概要と上映作品、スケジュールを紹介。佐賀県富士町にて開催。
名古屋シネマ・フェスティバル - 上映作品の紹介、開催概要。
国際映画祭への扉 - 世界中の映画祭・映画賞サイトへのリンク、開催情報、コンペティション情報。
大阪ヨーロッパ映画祭 - 上映作品リスト。『映画塾』、会場の案内。
奈良名作映画祭 - 上映案内。奈良県奈良市。
宝塚映画祭 - 概要、スケジュール、会場案内。コンクール入選作品の紹介。
宮崎映画祭 - 映画の素晴らしさを再認識してもらう機会を作ることを目的とする。
小津安二郎記念・蓼科高原映画祭 - 長野県茅野市。上映作品の案内、スケジュール。
小田原映画祭 - 上映作品とコンテストの案内。神奈川県小田原市。
山形国際ドキュメンタリー映画祭 - ドキュメンタリーを扱う。山形県山形市。
山形自主制作映像祭 - 山形県在住または山形県出身者がメインで作った作品を上映。作品紹介と上映案内。
岡山映画祭 - 過去の上映作品の掲載。掲示板。岡山市。
平和映画祭シネメッセとよなか - 開催案内と上映作品紹介。大阪府豊中市。
広島国際アニメーションフェスティバル - 世界4大アニメーション映画祭の1つ。コンペティション、招待作品上映、展示会、ワークショップ。広島市。
新開地映画祭 - 官能的な映画の上映。開催案内。兵庫県神戸市。
札幌国際短編映画祭 - 会場案内、上映スケジュール、ニュースブログ、作品のプレビュー。
東京ネットムービーフェスティバル - 20分以内のネットムービーのコンペティション。募集要綱。東京都。
東京ビデオフェスティバル - 開催案内と応募要綱。過去の上映作品の配信。東京都。
東京フィルメックス - 上映作品情報、チケット案内、スケジュール。イベント情報。
東京国際レズビアン&ゲイ映画祭 - セクシャル・マイノリティを題材にした作品を上映。作品紹介、上映案内。
東京国際映画祭 - 毎年東京で開催される映画祭。上映作品の紹介、開催概要。
東京学生映画祭 - 学生映画のコンペティション。スケジュール、参加団体。東京都。
東京平和映画祭 - 上映案内と上映作品へのリンク。東京都渋谷区。
東葛映画祭 - 開催概要、上映作品の紹介。千葉県北西部。
水戸短編映像祭 - 短編映像の映画祭。CM、MV、アートフィルムなど様々な映像を紹介。水戸芸術館で開催。
湯布院映画祭 - イベントの紹介、上映作品の解説。
神戸100年映画祭 - 上映作品の紹介、スケジュール。兵庫県神戸市。
福岡アジア映画祭 - 作品とスケジュールの紹介、レビュー。
科学技術映像祭 - 開催概要と募集要項。過去の入賞作品紹介。東京都、その他全国各地。
西東京市民映画祭 - 商用映画の上映と自主制作映画のコンペティション。応募要綱、過去の上映作品。
調布映画祭 - 上映案内と募集要項。東京都調布市。
銚子映画祭2006 - テーマは東の果てのメッセージ。開催概要、作品公募。
長岡アジア映画祭 - 会場案内、上映作品の紹介。新潟県長岡市。
飛騨国際メルヘンアニメ映像祭 - 開催案内と募集要項。岐阜県高山市。
飛騨高山ドキュメンタリー映像祭 - 開催概要と募集要項。岐阜県高山市。
高崎映画祭 - 作品紹介、日程、地図。群馬県高崎市。
BACA-JA - 学校推薦による学生作品のコンテスト。受賞作品の紹介。大阪府大阪市。
CON-CANムービーフェスティバル - 会員登録すれば国内外から応募されたショートフィルムが閲覧できる。
HAGI世界映画芸術祭 - 過去の上映作品の案内。山口県萩市。
スターダストシアター星空の映画祭in原村 - 作品紹介と上映案内。野外上映。長野県諏訪郡原村自然文化園。
JCF学生映画祭 - 学生作品のコンペティション。愛知県。
1minute Animation Festival - アニメーションの手法を使用した1分以内の作品の募集、配信。
盛岡自主制作映画祭MOVIN'3 - 上映作品の紹介、スケジュール。岩手県盛岡市。
RESFEST - ディジタルフィルムの作品を上映。開催概要と上映作品の案内。
SKIPシティ国際Dシネマ映画祭 - デジタルシネマをテーマにしたコンペティション。埼玉県川口市。
映画祭TAMA CINEMA FORUM - 東京都多摩市で行われる映画祭。プログラム、チケット情報。

アジアデジタルアート大賞展 - 福岡で開催。概要、募集要項、応募エントリー。

アジアデジタルアート大賞展 - 福岡で開催。概要、募集要項、応募エントリー。
取手アートプロジェクト - 市民と取手市、東京芸術大学によるイベント。概要、ゲスト・プロデューサー紹介、応募要項。
大地の芸術祭 - 越後妻有(新潟県十日町市・津南町)で3年ごとに開催。概要、イベント情報、参加作家、作品の紹介。
登竜門 - コンペティションのポータルサイト。デザイン、建築、写真、ビジュアルアート、映像、工芸、デジタル、文芸、芸能などの分野。
香川県芸術祭 - 概要、歴史紹介、公演・行事案内。
BIWAKOビエンナーレ - 琵琶湖周辺で開催。参加作家紹介、スケジュール、地図。
Tokyo Art Beat - 東京のアート・デザインイベントの情報を掲載。

Rescue - Award-winning Contemporary Christian all-vocal, a cappella male quartet. Site includes news, concert schedule, photos, discography, and MP

Rescue - Award-winning Contemporary Christian all-vocal, a cappella male quartet. Site includes news, concert schedule, photos, discography, and MP3 song samples.
Acadisc.com - Rescue - Group profile, photo, and album details with full song lyrics included.
JCbands.com - Rescue - Group profile, photo, and related information.
The Music Resource Group - Rescue - Group profile and photo from the 2000 Independent Music Awards.
Primarily A Cappella - Rescue - Group profile, audio clips, and album summaries and reviews.

All About Buford - Boston-based pop/funk band. Offers member profiles, show dates and photos.

All About Buford - Boston-based pop/funk band. Offers member profiles, show dates and photos.
Blenders - RealAudio and MP3 sound clips.
The Bobs - Official page of the a capella humor and jazz quartet. Fan club, CDs and merchandise ordering, online lyrics, concert schedules, and sample recordings.
Chicago a cappella - Chicago a cappella focuses the talents and power of nine solo voices into ensemble singing of exceptional beauty and impact. The ensemble continually seeks to break new ground in programming, repertoire, and the highest level of professional choral singing.
The Coats - Based out of Seattle, Washington. Includes a list of appearances, sound slips, group biography, photo gallery, messages, and mailing list.
Counterpoint - Vermont's premiere professional a cappella vocal ensemble under the direction of renowned conductor/arranger Robert DeCormier.
Da Vinci's Notebook - Male quartet.
Dickens and Company Christmas Carolers - Since 1987, providing Southern California with professional Christmas carolers in festive "Dickensian" attire for private and business holiday functions.
Five O'Clock Shadow - All-vocal modern rock band from Boston.
Henry's Eight - Formed in 1992 while its then members were choral scholars at Trinity College, Cambridge, and restructured in 1994 as a professional ensemble.
House Jacks - Rock band
Idaho's Premier A Cappella Sensation - Get the latest information, Schedule, order merchandise, and send email to The Standards. Five brothers, winners of Destination Stardom and the Northwest Harmony Sweepstakes.
The Magnets - As far as they know, the 6-man Magnets are the only pop a cappella band in London, England.
Man Sound - Ukrainian 6-male a cappella jazz group with an amazing sound. In Russian and English.
Naturally Seven - The award-winning gospel, r&b, jazz and soul septet from New York City.
Octappella - Vocal ensemble from Salt Lake that sings acappella arrangements of modern favorites; including selections from Green Day, Blessed Union of Souls, and N'SYNC.
Rudsambee - Edinburgh, Scotland-based a cappella choir. Includes programme, pictures, RealAudio files, workshop, and reviews.
Stormy-Weather - Music from Stormy-Weather, the a cappella quintet. Doo-Wop, and Rock and Roll music.
Tonic Sol Fa - Official site of a four-man group based in Minnesota. Sound clips in RealAudio format.
Toxic Audio - Professional mixed vocal band based in Orlando, Fl. Since working for the Walt Disney World Co., this theatrical band now focuses on touring and vocal workshops nationally.
Vocal Tonic A Cappella - Official site of the award-winning vocal group.
Voices R Us - Gospel, Soul, Jazz, and fun are the topics of the German vocal band around jazz pianist Joe Voelker. With demos in Real Audio.

Acappella Experiences the China Syndrome - By Paula K. Parker. [crosshome.com] Interview with Barry Wilson on Acappella's invitation to perform at the

Acappella Experiences the China Syndrome - By Paula K. Parker. [crosshome.com] Interview with Barry Wilson on Acappella's invitation to perform at the International Festival of the Arts held in Kunming, China in May, 1999.
Acappella no Brasil - Gallery - Photos, profiles and links related to former and current members of Acappella.
acappella.com.br - Interview with Keith Lancaster, founding member of Acappella.
acappella.com.br - Interview with former Acappella member Wayburn Dean, from a Brazilian fansite.
Primarily A Cappella: Acappella - Group profile, album reviews and ordering information.
The Recorded A Cappella Review Board - Review of Acappella's 2001 album, "Hymns For All The Ages."
Spirit Songs - By Amy Poindexter. [The Independent] "With 14 albums and more than 2,000 concerts, it's safe to say the musical group Acappella is 'spreading the Gospel'."
Band Of Brothers - By Brett Buckner. [Anniston Star] "Acappella concert at Greenbrier Church of Christ to benefit annual toy drive." (December 4, 2004)
Acappella to appear on campus March 28 - By Wes McKinzie. [OC News] Feature article on Acappella's history. (March 22, 2004)
Acappella Unique Gospel Offering - JAMAICAOBSERVER.COM - By Balford Henry. [Jamaica Observer] Concert review. (November 17, 2003)
Awesome Acappella! - By Tyrone Reid. [Jamaica Gleaner] Concert review featuring Acappella and Wayburn Dean. (November 17, 2003)
Acappella blends four-part harmony, worship - By Elly Marx. [The Whitworthian] "Christian quartet brings campus praise songs, raises money for relief fund." (April 24, 2001)
GuyanaMissions.org: Tulsa International Soul Winning Workshop - Memories and photos from Colleen DeLoach. (March 29, 1999)
Beth's Beat: Acappella - By Beth Miller. [Christian Activities] Concert review. (January 31, 1999)

acappella.com - Official site. Features group history, profiles, discography, picture gallery, chat room, radioweb and online store.

acappella.com - Official site. Features group history, profiles, discography, picture gallery, chat room, radioweb and online store.
Acadisc.com - Complete database of Acappella lyrics, album directory, scriptures for songs, group profile, links, and other information. Official lyrics site of The Acappella Company.
The Acappella Company Online Store - Official shopping outlet for Acappella albums and other TAC artists, series and themed albums. Also includes CD-quality songs in MP3 format, sheet music, songbooks, singles, pictures, posters and other official merchandise.
Acappella Ministries - Official website and home to Christian a cappella artists: Acappella, AVB, Keith Lancaster and Vocal Union. Features online newsletter, artist profiles and discographies, photo galleries, chat room, jukebox, mailing list and other information.
itickets.com: Acappella - Concert schedule and group profile.
Pollstar.com: Acappella - Concert schedule.
The Van Hyning's Favorite Music Group: Acappella - Tribute site with information, history, archive photos, song clips, picture album, and links.
Tulsa International Soul-Winning Workshop - Annual event featuring Acappella in concert, often with special guest vocalists like TAC founder Keith Lancaster and other former group members. (March 25, 2005)
KHCA Angel 95 FM -- Acappella - Photos of Robert Guy, Steve Reischl, Duane Adams and Kevin Schaffer. (1995)

わぴこのほーむぺーじ - 所有機種のスペック、長所、短所、演奏のMP3とMIDI、購入時の注意点、ピアノ音色の比較。

わぴこのほーむぺーじ - 所有機種のスペック、長所、短所、演奏のMP3とMIDI、購入時の注意点、ピアノ音色の比較。
シンセ屋敷 - 自作による、SY77、SY99データのLZH、デバッグモード一覧、動作不具合の対処法、キーのリペア。
素晴らしい技術の電卓 - シンセサイザー「CZ-3000」の機能紹介・使用レポートが中心。その他、シンセサイザーに関するコラム、ウェブログなどがある。
Interlogic Web Music Studio002 - MiniMoog使用の、国勢調査データ、ピッチ安定と追加機能のための改造、各機種のスペックと使い心地。
Keyboard Studio - メーカー別のスペック一覧、アルファベット別による機種名検索、関連リンク。
Moog 'n' arp - MEMORYMOOG、ODYSSEY、MicroWAVE XTkを始めとする、所有機種の特徴や音色、試聴のためのMP3。
Neon Synthesizer and Electric Music - ハード、モジュラー、VSTとプラグインの解説、カタログ。各機種の波形を比べたZIP。
Phonoscape Factory Homepage - 機材を使った、ゲーム系同人サークルBGMやコミックのイメージ曲、試聴コーナー。
Planet nova novation 日本語情報源 - 製品のスペック一覧、ツマミ操作のMPG、サウンドデモのMP3、ダウンロード一覧、メーリングリスト。
Val-Sound - OPN、OPNA、OPMのFM音源、作成した曲の解説やMP3、ソフトウェア。

Sonic Thrill - Synthesizerlexikon - Zahlreiche Abbildung und eine Hyperlinkstruktur unterstreichen die exzellent, umfassend und abgestuft erklärten

Sonic Thrill - Synthesizerlexikon - Zahlreiche Abbildung und eine Hyperlinkstruktur unterstreichen die exzellent, umfassend und abgestuft erklärten Fachbegriffe. Gescannte Werbeprospekte von Synthesizern aus dem Jahre 1997 gibt es als Zusatzbonbon.
Aarons Roland Seite - Styles, Downloads, Infos und Bilder von den Roland Keyboards VA-7, VA-7&, VA-5, VA-3, G-1000, G-800, G-600 sowie EM-2000.
Aliens-Project - Freie Sounds und Samples zum Download, aktuelle Events und CDs, Synthesizer Fotos, Online-Shop für Sample-CDs, Beschreibung des Studios bei Frankfurt (Synthis, Effektgeräte, Computerausstattung, Aufnahmetechnik).
Amazona - Online-Magazin für Synthesizer, Sampler und Homerecording, mit Neuigkeiten und Testberichten über neue Instrumente und ältere, die zum Teil längst nicht mehr hergestellt werden.
Computer als Hilfe zur Musikproduktion - Kleine Facharbeit über rechnergestütztes Komponieren mit Midi-Standard, Soundblastersoundkarte oder der Magix Midi Studio Software.
Cyborgs Home - Elektronische Musik und ein Synthesizerkurs, der mit viel Liebe zum Modularsynthesizer gestrickt wurde, u.a. mit Patch Tipps und einer kleinen FAQ. Einige bekannte Modularsysteme und Analogsynthesizer werden fachkundig untersucht und mit Testberichten gewürdigt.
deep!sonic - Die private Site zeigt Infos, Bilder und MP3-Downloads zum Thema Synthesizer und elektronische Musik.
Ensoniq TS12 - Der TS12 ist ein Synthesizer von Ensoniq von 1994. Infos, Sounds und Hilfen bei Fehlern. Diese Seiten beschäftigen sich nur mit diesem Gerät.
Die inoffiziellen Waldorf Wave Seiten - Till Koppers Fanpage zum großen hybriden Synthesizer Schlachtschiff. Technisches, Bilder, Wellensatzanalyse, Werbeprospekte, Benutzerliste, Klangbeispiele und einige Links.
JD800 Lovers - Fanseite zum Roland Synthesizer. Mit technischen Angaben, Service und Softwareempfehlungen, Links zu Soundherstellern, Patch Quellen und Roland.
Keyboards Info Seite - Archiv der Zeitschrift Keyboards vor 11/97 (!), Gerätebeschreibungen, Gebrauchtpreise, Keyboard-Linkpage.
Spirit of the age - Beat Weder komponiert und spielt Synthesizer-Musik. Kurzporträt des Schweizer Musikers, Hörproben und Fotos der verwendeten Studiotechnik und Instrumente.[benötigt Flash]
Stoffel's Home - Technische Daten, Sounds, Tipps mit technischen Details und Linklisten zu verschiedenen Synthesizern: Roland D50, Kawai K5000W, E-Mu Vintage Keys, Yamaha TX802, Korg RK100, MIDI-Basspedal, MIDI-Flöte, MIDI-Vocoder, MIDI-Lightboard und Modulation-Controller.
Synrise - Versucht, die größte Datenbank über Synthesizer, Sampler, Digitalrecorder und Soundkarten zu werden. Mit entwicklungsgeschichtlichem Überblick und umfangreichem Infoservice mit z.B. Praxiserfahrungen zu verschiedenen elektronischen Klangerzeugern, Forum oder Herstellerlinkliste.
Synthesizergallery - Typenbilder, einige Schaltpläne, Mp3 von Quantec, Tangerine Dream und anderer Elektronik - und außerdem ein Forum.
Die Synthesizerstudio Bonn History - Die Geschichte des Synthesizers und Links zu allgemeinen musiktheoretischen Themen.
Synthfreak.de - Samples und Updates zum Download, Bildergalerie und technische Infos zu verschiedenen Geräten.
tastengott.com - Forum für Computermusik und den Einsatz von Computern im Musikunterricht. Unterrichtsentwürfe, Materialien, Diskussionen, Infos von Lehrern für Lehrer und von Studenten für Studenten.
Till Kopper - Gerätepark - Ein Mann und seine Synthesizer: Waldorf Wave, Waldorf Q, Minimoog, Moog Prodigy, PPG Wave, Oberheim Matrix 6 und EmaxII.
Yamaha CS1x Control Synthesizer - Informationen um das Gerät mit Samples, Patches, Utilities, Datenblättern und Fotos.

Body Synth - Uses muscle movements to trigger MIDI events. It can be attached to any set of muscles.

Body Synth - Uses muscle movements to trigger MIDI events. It can be attached to any set of muscles.
Buchla and Associates - Makers of the Lightning II and Marimba Lumina controllers.
Buchla Lightning II - Specialized MIDI controller that senses the position and movement of handheld wands and transforms this information to MIDI signals.
Chordboard - CX10 Keyboard Controller sends out preprogrammed chords similar to "one touch" chords on a Casio Tone
Controller Zone - The controller page at Synth Zone
Digital Dance System - Sensor system designed by DIEM (Danish Institute of Electroacoustic Music)
Gulbransen, Inc. - Makes products which add MIDI capabilities to acoustic pianos.
IBK - Knob-based MIDI controllers for hard or software synthesizers
Infusion Systems - Makers of the I-CubeX MIDI sensor control interface
Kenton Electronics - UK specialists in MIDI to Control Voltage conversion and MIDI control.
Marimba Lumina - Electronic MIDI controller. Includes a traditionally arrayed set of electronic bars and some (not so traditional) trigger pads and strips (reminiscent of early ribbon controllers).
MIDI Solutions Inc. - Manufacturer of MIDI processing products.
Optimusic Light to MIDI controller - Creates note on and off messages depending on where light beams are broken
Rubicon Systems - Makers of hardware and software to turn a Palm Pilot into a MIDI controller
The Soundbeam Project - A device which senses movements by people standing nearby and converts them into MIDI
STEIM products: Sensorlab - Small, general purpose, analog to MIDI interface for the prototyping of musical instruments and interactive control systems.
Tactex Controls Inc. - Makers of multi-touch, pressure sensitive input devices
Toward an Understanding of Musical Gesture: Mapping Expressive Intention with the Digital Baton - Thesis by Teresa Marrin looking at gestural devices as controllers for electronic sound creation.
Wave Idea - Makers of the Bitstream Pro universal MIDI controller and providers of schematics and kits.

Synth Zone - A directory that covers synthesizers and midi controllers, plus relevant music software and support products.

Synth Zone - A directory that covers synthesizers and midi controllers, plus relevant music software and support products.
The Analogue Synthesizer Resource/FAQ - FAQ/link list for Analogue Heaven mailing list. Useful links and information.
Dancetech - Dedicated to making Dance music in home studios. Samples, synth usage tips and tricks.
Harmony Central: Synth Resources - Product news, reviews, original articles, free classifieds, software, local event locator, and links.
Jörg Schmitz Analog Synthesizers - German engineer offers schematics and turorials for a variety of analog synthesizers, with pictures of do-it-yourself models he has assembled, and linkes on microcontrollers and audio music technology.
Music Machines - Offers information on music technology.
Online Manual Archive (OMA) - Collection of links to online manuals, schematics, and do-it-yourself repair information for musicians.
Synth and Midi Museum - Database with photographs of electronic musical instruments.
Synth Fool - Photo gallery of analog synths, including some schematics.
Synth Site - User reviews of lots of synthesizers.
The Synthesizer Picture Archive - Photographs of new and vintage synth gear
Sythesizer.com - Arrick Robotics makes large synthesizer systems with analog circuitry including oscillators, filters and sequencer modules with wood, portable, and rack mounting options. FAQ, technical specifications.


Atelier Theremin - An experimental music project from Berlin based on avant-garde electronics and spoken-word performance. With biography, reviews, concert information, MP3 song samples and CD information.
The Homepage of Michael G. Shannon - Eclectic material that includes pictures and sounds of Michael's theremin and other projects.
Images XXI - Audiovisual shows based on music of the Russian and foreign composers XVIII-XX centuries. Ensemble consists of theremin, grand piano, tenor and soprano, plastic dancers and visualizer.
Intissar of the Theremin - Home of U.S. thereminist Intissar. Includes playing tips, MP3s, and humour.
Lydia Kavina, Theremin Virtuosa - The official website of Lydia Kavina, Russian professional thereminist, master teacher and composer.
Peter Pringle - Official web site of Canadian musician and professional thereminist Peter Pringle. Contains mp3s, videos, information on historical theremins and his first theremin CD for sale.
The Rollerskating Thereminist - Official web site of Pamelia Kurstin, U.S. professional thereminist based in New York. Contains gig and event news, images, discography and miscellaneous information.
Theralux - Bovbjerg & Brigham, a musical duo performing music for piano and theremin and based in Austin, Texas.
Theremin World - Bands - Bands that use a theremin as part of their ensemble.
Theremin World - Players - Individuals who play theremin.
Theremins - Home of Charlie Lester, a well known U.S. based theremin player. Includes pictures and information on Leon Theremin, Clara Rockmore, and other performers.


Art's Theremin Page - Modern circuit designs for the theremin.
Jerry's Tube Theremins and Trautoniums - Builder of prototypes of different kinds of theremins and 2D21 Thyratron-tubed audio devices. Working on several versions of Trautoniums and Tannerins. Usually sells prototypes on Ebay. Uploading new images with progress.
Levnet -- Friends of the Theremin - The oldest theremin forum on the internet. Full archives and subscription form.
Moog Music - Owned and operated by Robert Moog, manufactures theremins and other high-quality electronic musical instruments.
The Musical Saw and Theremin Page - Information about theremins and musical saws. History, news, soundfiles, and upcoming performances.
Theremin Enthusiasts Club International - Information about the club and the instrument.
Theremin World - Theremin information including bands who use them, photos and sound, message boards, where to buy theremins, how to build theremins, and a growing registry of the original RCA models.
Theremin.info - Buy a theremin, music, books, CDs, and a large archive of related materials, including a number of sound files to download.
Thereminvox.com - Articles and interviews about the theremin and other electronic musical instruments, a theremin MP3 library, a theremin web directory and a shop.


AnalogX Vocoder - Free multiband standalone vocoder for Windows.
Cylonix - 18-band standalone vocoder for Windows.
Native Instruments Vokator - High-resolution commercial VST plugin and standalone application for Windows and Macintosh. Also has synthesizer functions utilizing fast fourier transformations (FFT).
OrangeVocoder - Realtime commercial VST plugin for Macintosh and Windows. Many examples and demo available for download.
4ormulator Vocoder Extreme - Commercial vocoder for Windows with free demo. Supports more than 500 filters, formant manipulation and LFO control.
Settel Vocoder - 16-band standalone and LADSPA plugin for Linux.
Zerius Vocoder - Free simple standalone vocoder for Windows, Mac and BeOS.


Analog Vocoder information - Specifications and reviews of vintage hardware vocoders.
Doepfer A-129 - Modular 13-band vocoder designed for the A100 modular synthesis system.
Electrix WarpFactory - MIDI controlled hardware device, several audio demos available.
Korg MicroKorg - Synthesizer with integrated 8-band vocoder and microphone.
PAiA Vocoder - Inexpensive rack mount kit designed by Craig Anderton.
Vocoders and Vocoder-Derivatives - Detailed description of how vocoders work as well as ways of improving results.


Batty, Graham M. - Professional piper from Pointe-Claire, Quebec. Includes a personal history, photos and MIDI files.
Crabtree, Rob - Includes a biography, discography, performance dates, links and contact information.
Davidson, Graham S. - Biography, FAQ and booking information for the piper located in Vancouver, British Columbia.
Gray, Ann - Biography, discography, audio samples, events calendar, photos and links.
Peters, Bill - A piper based in Thunder Bay, Ontario. Features his influences, accomplishments, and performances in northwestern Ontario and northern Minnesota.

United States

Adirondack Highland Bagpipers - (Lake George, New York) Uniformed bagpipers and drummers for hire for weddings, funerals, parties and events.
Albee, Keith E. - Highland Bagpiper - (Central Suffolk County, New York) Schedule, performance information, pictures, links, and contact details.
Anderson, William T. - Highland Bagpiper - (New York, New Jersey and Connecticut) Resume and contact information.
Bagpipe Connection - (Minnessotta) Provides experienced professional bagpipers for weddings, funerals, and performances in the Minneapolis and St. Paul Twin Cites Metro Area.
Balderose, George - Highland Bagpiper and Smallpiper - (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) With 30 years experience, George offers his services for funerals, weddings, concerts, and instruction. Member of Road to the Isles Irish/Scottish musical ensemble.
Beach, Scott - Highland Bagpiper - (Lakewood, Colorado) Offers bagpipe playing services for variety of special occasions. Features biography, repertoire and contact information.
Bell, Michael - Scottish Bagpiper - (Hampton, Hunterdon, New Jersey) Professional bagpiper, available solo or with a group for weddings and special events in the eastern United States. General information and contact details.
Bondurant, Emmet - Highland Bagpiper - (Tampa Bay, Florida) Available for weddings, funerals, and special events of all kinds in the greater Tampa Bay area. Features contact information and samples of the repertoire.
Bradley, John Martin - Bagpipe Instruction Center - (New York City) Bagpipe lessons, with information about classes, merchandise and forums.
Campbell, Jeff - Scottish Bagpiper - (San Francisco Bay) Available for weddings, parties, and funerals. Free audio samples and demo CD.
The Cawthons - Highland Bagpipers and Instructors - (Michigan, Ohio) Family of five Highland bagpipers offering their services for events and lessons.
Cincinnati Bagpipers - (Cincinnati, Ohio) Bagpipers available for your event. Free auditions granted.
Donald, Christopher - Highland bagpiper - (Olympia, WA) Bagpipe for hire, for all occasions. With biography and pictures.
Duell, Mike - Highland Piper - (Phoenix, Arizona) Available for weddings, funerals or other engagements. Personal information and repertoire.
Flinn, Bob - Highland Bagpiper - (New York) Competition-level bagpipe soloist available for all kinds of events in the central NY area.
Freeman, Sean - Highland bagpiper and instructor - (Northern Illinois) Bagpiper available for personal and community events, as well as for musical instruction.
Greene, Daniel L. - Highland Bagpiper - (South Carolina) Available for weddings, funerals, ceilidhs and other occasions in the Carolinas & Georgia.
Hubbard, Neil - Highland Bagpiper - (Seattle) Provides bagpiping performances in the Seattle, Washington and Puget Sound area since 1990. Available for weddings, funerals, parties, and other events.
Johnson, Barry - Scottish Bagpiper - (Oregon) Professional bagpiper available for playing at all kinds of events. Photos, biographical material and contact information.
Kapp, Peter and Rowe, Wendy - Highland Bagpipe Players - (California) Promotes bagpipers for hire Peter Kapp and Wendy Rowe. Includes sound samples and video clip of the above performers. Lists bagpipe CDs for sale.
Kavanagh, Ian - Highland Bagpiper - (Mad River Valley, Vermont) Available for all occasions. Site includes a photo gallery and contact information.
Kennedy, Tom - Highland Bagpiper - (Southeastern Michigan) Bagpiper available for weddings, funerals, banquets, parties, and all special occasions.
Kresse, Christoph - Scottish bagpiper and instructor - (North and South Carolina) Scottish bagpipe music offered for any kind of events. Also provides piping lessons. With photos, resume and contact information.
Kydd, Barry - Highland bagpiper - (Port Orchard, Washington) Piper available to perform in Highland regalia at weddings, parties and funerals.
Lancaster, Michael - Highland Bagpiper - (Denver, Colorado) Biography, performance details, and booking and contact information.
Lannom, Les - Highland Bagpiper - (Los Angeles) Available for events and special occasions throughout Southern California.
Linsky, Steve - Highland Bagpiper - (Southeast Pennsylvania) Scottish bagpiping for all occasions. With resume and contact information.
MacLeod, Steve - Highland Bagpiper - (Southwestern Michigan) Resume, pictures and information about services provided by the piper, as well as general information about issues involved hiring a piper.
Mitchell, Jimmy - Highland bagpiper - (Dallas, Texas) Available for hire for weddings, funerals, parades and special events. Read FAQs, and hear music samples.
Noriega, James - Highland Bagpiper - (North Idaho, Spokane and Coeur d'Alene) Available for weddings, parades, parties and funerals.
Oaks, Hope - Highland bagpiper - (Indiana) Offers bagpipe and trumpet music. Solo or group performances are available for weddings, funerals, golf outings, anniversaries, and other special events.
Palmer, P. Spencer - Highland Bagpiper - (Chicago, Illinois) Personal information, prices, and contact details.
Parry, Daniel - Bagpipe Player - (Texas) Solo piper, member of the Fort Worth Scottish Rite Pipes and Drums. Available for special events throughout the DFW Metroplex, North Texas, and Oklahoma.
Price, Ray - English Border Bagpipes - (Providence, Rhode Island) Ray performs for all kinds of events all over New England and beyond on the Breton veuze and English border pipes. Also includes information on dance events he organizes.
Quirk, Brian - Highland Bagpiper - (Lawrence, Massachusetts) Available for weddings, funerals, parties, and special events. Contact information and links.
Reoch, Tom - Pipe Major - (California) Pipe Major offering over 20 years of experience to any event. He can also provide up to 40 pipers, drummers, and Highland dancers.
Rob Roy - Highland Bagpiper - (San Francisco Bay) Photographs, repertoire and contact information.
Robertson, Derek - Highland Vagpiper - (Northern Illinois) Bagpiper available for weddings, celebrations and funerals, also offering piping lessons.
Rodolfo, Jen - Highland Bagpiper - (Bethlehem, Pennsylvania) Bagpiper available for weddings, funerals, and other events. Repertoire and contact information.
Ruhf, James B. - Scottish Bagpiper - (Bethlehem, Pennsylvania) Professional bagpiper and instructor available for weddings, funerals, lectures, and other events. Contact and performance information.
Salter, Jay - Scottish Highland Bagpiper - (San Francisco Bay Area, CA) Piper available for weddings, funerals, parties and special events. Instructor and band pipe major.
Scobie, Donald P. - Highland Bagpiper and Instructor - (Washington) Bagpiper available for hire and lessons. Resume, pricing, photographs and contact information.
Shackelford, David - Highland Bagpiper - (Austin, Texas) Offers solo piping for all kinds of events.
Sloan, Bill - Highland Bagpiper - (Northeast Florida) Bagpipe performer, available for all types of events and occasions in the Northeast Florida area.
Sloan, Jim - Highland Bagpiper - (Jacksonville, Florida) Highland bagpiper available for hire in North East Florida and South East Georgia.
Sloan, Lars - Highland Bagpiper - (Houston, Texas) Professional bagpipers for all occasions, serving the Texas area.
Swogger, Wiley & Boddy, Byron - Highland Bagpipers - (Portland, Oregon) Available solo or as a duett for all kinds of events. Sound samples and photographs, as well as contact information.
Taylor, Winter - Scottish Bagpiper and Instructor - (Georgia) Professional piper and instructor. Plays the great Highland bagpipe, Scottish smallpipies, and Scottish shuttle pipes. Available for weddings, memorials and all types of events.
Thackaberry, Hugh - Highland Bagpiper and Instructor - (Colorado) Experienced bagpiper, available for weddings, funerals, conventions, and any event that requires bagpiping. Covering Western Colorado and Eastern Utah. Also bagpipe teacher.
Thomas, Sam - Highland Bagpiper - (Indianapolis, Indiana) Professional bagpiper available for weddings, funerals, parties, and any other occasions. Serves the central Indiana area.
Three Highland Bagpipers - (Eastern US) Dedicated to the bagpiping services of three bagpipers. Available solo or in group for all occasions in NY, NJ and CT.
Tice, Keith A. - Highland Bagpiper - (New Jersey) Available for weddings, funerals, parties and other types of events.
Todd, Aaron - Great Highland Bagpipes - (Richmond, VA) Award winning young piper, available for Highland piping for all occasions.
Whitelaw, Ian - Highland Bagpiper - (Redondo Beach, California) Bagpiper for weddings, funerals, special occasions. He is also an instructor and a tunor for band sound.
Wiley, Tom - Highland Bagpipers - (Ohio) Providing performance and education of traditional and contemporary bagpipe music.

United Kingdom

Anderson, Peter - Highland Bagpiper - (Woking, Surrey, England) Experienced bagpiper available for special events in London & South East England.
Aspinal, William - Highland Bagpiper - Grade 1 piper available for hire all over the South East of England, with a vast repertoire of Scottish and Irish tunes.
Bagpipers For Hire - (London, England) Provides bagpipe music for weddings, funerals, or any special event in the UK or Ireland. Solo bagpipers, quartets and bands are available for booking.
Brooks, Dave - Highland Bagpiper - (London, England) Bagpiper known as the "Piper of Hampstead Heath." Pictures, biography, and booking details.
Brown, Donald - Highland Bagpiper - (Alfriston, Sussex, England) Piper playing traditional Scottish or Irish tunes, available for functions in Sussex, Surrey and Kent. Profile, biography and services.
Cameron, Edgar - Pipe Major - (England) Scottish piper available for functions or tuition in the North East of England.
Campbell Fraser, Callum - Highland Bagpiper - (Grantown-on-Spey, Morayshire, Scotland) Internationally available for weddings, funerals, functions, events and special occasions.
Campbell, John - Highland Bagpiper - (Eastleigh, Hampshire, England) Solo Highland bagpiper for hire to play at your wedding. Features pictures and contact information.
Chesman, Mark - Highland Bagpiper - (Lincolnshire, England) Highland Piper available for bookings in Lincolnshire and the North of England. Contact information and overview of services.
Deans, Roderick - Pipe Major - (Edinburgh, Scotland) Pipe Major Roderick available for any event, with the combination of award winning bagpiping, and eyecatching Highland dress.
Edinburgh Bagpipers - (Edinburgh, Scotland) Group or solo standard Highland style bagpiping for functions within Edinburgh and East-Central Scotland.
Edinburgh Pipers - (Edinburgh, Scotland) Professional piping service, offering bands and individual pipers for all kinds of events, available worldwide.
Flewett, Will - Uilleann Bagpipes - (Brighton) Uilleann piper available for weddings, ceilidhs, wakes and celebrations. With audio samples.
Gagan, Alan - Highland Bagpiper - (Northwest England) Competition standard bagpiper, available for all occasions weddings, birthday partys.
Hickmott, Tim - Highland Piper - (South East of England) Available for all occasions.
Johnston, Barry - Highland Bagpiper and Instructor - (Fife) Traditional Scottish bagpiper for hire to play at any location. Lessons also offered.
Leckie, David - Highland Bagpiper - (East Lothian, England) For hire, weddings being a speciality.
MacIness, Andi - Highland Bagpiper and instructor - Bagpipe tutor and player for hire, covering Fife, Perth & Kinross, Central Scotland and beyond.
MacKinnon, Laurie - Scottish Highland Bagpipes - (Glasgow, Scotland) Professional bagpipe player, available for all types of functions.
Mackintosh, John - Highland Piper - (Edinburgh, Scotland) Retired policeman, that played with the Edinburgh City/Lothian & Borders Police Pipe Band during service. Now available to play at any event at short notice. Distance no object.
McConnell, Phil - Highland bagpiper - (England) Traditional Highland bagpiper available to play at weddings and special occasions in the North West of England.
Millmoor, Derek - Solo Highland Bagpiper - (Station Town, Co. Durham) Full time experienced piper, available for all kinds of occasions.
Nicholl, James A - Highland Bagpiper - (Edinburgh, Scotland) Experienced piper, available to play for any occasion, in the UK or abroad.
Paul Boness - Scottish Piper - (Warwickshire, England) Bagpipe player since 1972. Available for events worldwide. Site available in English, French and German.
Reid, Robert M. - Highland Bagpiper and instructor - (Hastings, Sussex, England) Highland piper for hire and to give tuition. Describes his services and includes repertoire with audio samples.
Russell, Graham - Highland Bagpiper - (Glasgow, Scotland) Piper available for all types of events.
Selwood, Paul - Pipe Major - (Edinburgh, Scotland) Senior Pipe Major of the British Army. Bagpiper available for weddings, funerals, corporate functions and tuition. Chief Instructor at the Army School of Bagpipe Music and lone piper at the Edinburgh Tattoo.
Solo Highland Piper - (North East England) Scottish bagpipe music for weddings, funerals and special occasions.
Taylor, Hag - Highland Bagpiper - (York, England) Piper available for all kinds of events.
Turner, John - Highland Bagpiper - (Southeastern England) Bagpiper available for hire to travel worldwide. Also offers bands, and Highland dancers.

For Hire

Bagpipers.com Directory - Comprehensive worldwide directory of bagpipers indexed by state (US) and country (international).
Hermansson, Mats d - Highland Bagpiper - (Gothenburg, Sweden) Pipe Major Hermansson, Ph.D., is an experienced player and teacher of the Scottish Highland bagpipe. In Swedish and English.
Koppenrade, Joeb - Ceremonial piper and instructor - (Netherlands) Resume and contact information for this piper, available for events and lessons.
Kresse, Christoph - Highland Bagpiper and Instructor - (South Carolina, US - Germany) US-European Champion Grade 1 piper and Piping Institute certified piper offers professional bagpipe lessons after College of Piping/Piping Centre standards.
Monahan, Kevin - Highland Bagpiper - (Paphos, Cyprus) Piper available for all occasions in Cyprus.


Adrian Schofield - Northumbrian Smallpiper - Traditional solo performer on the Northumbrian Smallpipes based in the UK. With awards and discography.
Anderson, Neil - Official site for the traditional and original Celtic musician also known as "The Antipypr". With background, performance dates, audio archives, discography, reviews, and a questions and answers page.
Blue, Bert - Blue has played and recorded the pipes all across America in concert and for film, theatre, radio and television. He has piped for different music genres.
Cato, Pauline - Northumbrian Smallpiper - News, tour dates, reviews, discography, and contact details.
Cotter, Bruce - Highland bagpiper and instructor - (San Jose, Silicon Valley, San Francisco Bay) Bagpipe performer and teacher. Biography, discography, media and contact information.
Creager, John and Jeannie - Personal information, pictures, and links.
Felix der Pfeyffer - (Germany) Medieval bagpipe musician. With pictures and contact information.
Holmes, Ben - Highland Bagpiper and Instructor - (Arvada, Colorado) Professional open-grade bagpiper available for lessons, workshops, parties, weddings, films and other occasions. Pictures and contact information. Will travel world-wide.
Kean, Richard: Bagpiper at Large - (Houston, Texas) Includes biography, calendar, teaching, projects, discography, photographs, links to those with whom he has performed, contacts, and booking information for performances throughout North America.
Keith, Alan - (California) Biography, performance information, pictures, and discography of the bagpiper.
Lawther, Ian - Scottish, Irish and Northumbrian Bagpiper - (Silver Spring, Maryland) Professional piper and piping instructor, available for weddings, funerals, and other events. Read his biography, and learn about his cds, with mp3 available for download.
Mason, Dave "Hedgehog" - (Sunningdale, Berkshire) Bagpiper and folk singer/songwriter. Personal information, lyrics, audio samples, and links.
McNamara, Brian - Uilleann Piper - (Ireland) Musician and teacher. Features biography, discography, media and tips for other pipers.
Mulvanerty, Joseph - Uilleann piper - Irish woodwind instrumentalist based in New York, New York. Features tour dates, music samples and discography.
Peters, Stuart - (Glasgow, Scotland) Traditional Scottish musician for hire with band or solo. With information about Yellyhoo, his band, and his career.
Rickard, Leo - Uillean Bagpiper - Uillean pipe player in Dublin, Ireland, playing the traditional celtic music. With biography, discography, sounds samples and contact information.
Rowsome, Kevin - Uilleann Bagpiper - Features Kevin´s biography, including newspaper articles, pictures and information on his musical career and his recordings.
Sky, Patrick and Cathy - Performers, book publishers and makers of Irish Uilleann pipes. With contact information.
Taylor, Becky - Irish Uilleann Piper and Folk Musician - Well renowned female Irish piper in England. With biography, discography and media.
Tickell, Kathryn - Performer of Northumbrian folk music. Smallpipe and fiddle player. Information, tour dates, and discography.


Bagpipe Journey - Reference material for pipers of all levels. Covers care of the instrument, history, competition tips, and information on bands and artists.
Bagpipe and Drum - News and up to date information on piping and drumming. Full details regarding the Urchfont Piping and Drumming Weekend - England's only established event for first class tuition.
Bagpipe FAQ and Resources - Questions and answers for common bagpiping questions for the rec.music.makers.bagpipe newsgroup.
Bagpipe Forum - Community for pipers and drummers, with related topics.
Bagpipe Paintings and Etchings - Featuring bagpipes in art through the centuries with medieval, renaissance and baroque images of the bagpipe in celebration and portraits.
Bagpipe Tunes - Bagpipe and drum sheet music, chat, forums, free email, and guestbook.
The Bagpipe Web Directory - A comprehensive guide to bagpiping on the Web.
Bagpiper.Com - Events, product reviews, articles, bagpiper directory, chat room, and links.
The Bagpipes of Poitou - History and background information on the bagpipes of Brittany, with links to Breton culture.
Caber Records - Record label dedicated to bagpipe music. Features a glossary, media downloads, and news.
Canadian Bagpipe Links - Collection of links, including pipe bands, Highland games and festivals, magazines, retailers, humor, sheet music, and graphics.
College of Piping - The oldest institution teaching Scotland's national instrument. Features include history, member and membership information, exams and competitions, and information on the activities and classes. Also find piping accessories and the opportunity to suscribe to the college's magazine.
David Daye's Bagpipe Page - Introduction to bagpipes, with photos, sound files, instructions, and links.
De Nationale Doedeldag - The Dutch Annual Bagpiper's day is the main event for bagpiping in the Netherlands. With information on events, news and bands, as well as a forum. [In Dutch and English]
Dutch Uilleann Pipers Club - Home of the Nederlandse Vereniging van Uilleann Pipers (NVUP). With news, schedule, and calendar of events.
Ewan Macpherson's WWW Bagpipe Index - Pictures, MIDI files, associations, tips, publications, personal information, and manufacturers.
EZ-Piper - Free bagpipe tunes by Pipe Major Tommy Jackson. Reels, jigs, marches, and hornpipes. Piobmaster files available. Pictures and links to other piping sites.
Galician Bagpipes - Information about the Galician Bagpipe.
Hamilton International Tattoo - List of performers and directors, ticket details, contact information, and links.
Ian Kinnear Small Pipes - Made in the tradition of quality Scottish instrument makers. Pictures, descriptions, sound files, and contact information.
Introduction to Bagpipe Music - An introduction to bagpipe music for the non-piper. How to listen to and appreciate bagpipe music.
John Leamy´s Website - Personal site with information about piping in Limerick, links and Irish news.
March Strathspey and Reel Guide Tempo Calculator - A site that allows the calculation of guide march, strathspey and reel tempos based upon data gathered from over 280 Grade 1 standard digitally recorded performances from 1987 to present. Also provided are data on MSR tempo trends over the years.
Midipiper's MP3s - Digitally created MP3s that sound like actual bagpipes.
Northumbrian Small Pipes - Biographies of Richard Butler, the Duke of Northumberland's Piper, and Jan Bennet, from The Border Minstrels. Features general information on bagpipes, and lists of publications and recordings.
Northumbrian Smallpipes Encyclopaedia - Historical and technical articles on Northumberland's traditional instrument.
Parade Shine - Dedicated to the Scottish style Drum Major, with information for pipeband drum majors, covering uniform, flourishes and competitions.
Pibau Pencader - Traditional music Welsh bagpipe group and festival in Pencader, west Wales, UK. Meetings, schedule, venues.
Pibroch.net - Promoting classical Gaelic piping to a global audience. Articles, CD recommendations, and links for piobaireachd.
Piper and Drummer Magazine - Online version of the quarterly international publication on the Scottish arts published by the Pipers and Pipe Band Society of Ontario, Canada. With news, reviews, features and profiles.
Pipes & Drums Webring - Links the sites of pipers and pipe bands. World-wide membership.
Pitch Pipe Bagpipe Tuner - Real-time pitch detection tuning software for the great Highland bagpipe.
The Poor Piper - Offers advice and comparison between Scottish bagpipes and Pakistani bagpipes. Includes forum and online store.
Regimental Drum Major Association - Information to current and aspiring Drum Majors at no cost.
Richard and Anita Evans - Makers of Northumbrian and Scottish smallpipes. Features information and pictures of each type of bagpipe, with sound clips, maintenance and reed making advice, and links.
Ringo's Bagpipe Pages - Some pictures of classic pipes and a page with reviews to his book on care and maintenance of the bagpipes.
Ross Bagpipe Reeds - Bagpipe reeds, zipped and clamped canister pipe bags.
Scottish Piper - Free online bagpipe lessons, with free help and support from a qualified tutor. Lessons go from the basics to full tunes, including some musical theory.
Steve MacLeod's Bagpipe Q&A - Offers articles and information about issues relevant to those who play the bagpipe, providing a balanced and detailed assessment. Also of use for those wishing to learn or hire pipers.
Swedish Bagpipes - Information on the history of bagpiping in Sweden. In Swedish and English.
Swedish bagpipes - Offers background, history and technical description of the Swedish bagpipes. Also includes tips on how to play, and music scores for traditional tunes.
Tenor Drummer - The home of pipe band tenor drumming on the web.
Uillean Pipes References - Listing of Uillean Pipes supplies, tips, music and links.
Uilleann Pipes Obsession - Information about the Uilleann Pipes, and the Southern California Pipers' Club. With news, calendar of events, biographies of Uilleann pipers, links and a shop.
The Universe of Bagpipes - Photos and descriptions of over 30 kinds of bagpipes from many countries, history, sound samples, and construction information.
Viper Piper's Bagpipe Tunes - Database of bagpipe tunes in different formats.
The VOICE Online - The official online publication of the Eastern United States Pipe Band Association (EUSPBA).
Webpiper.net Bagpipe Forum - Forum for the discussion of the Great Highland Bagpipe and related issues.
Welsh Bagpipes and the Welsh Pibgorn - Includes histories of bagpipes and hornpipes in Wales, details and pictures of instruments by maker John Tose, notated pipe music, and photos from the Gwyl Bibau Pencader festival.
First South American Pipe Band Gathering - Promoting the event held in Montevideo, Uruguay, in April 2004. Information about the place, bands and artists that participated. (April 17, 2004)


Musical Instrument Reference - From MusicArrangers.com. Resource for teachers and students. Modern musical instruments, transposition, concert pitch and best sounding range.
Taxonomy of Musical Instruments, by Henry Doktorsi - Chart based on a 1914 scheme by Sachs and von Hornbostel classifies orchestral, folk, and electronic instruments into families. A second chart maps the free-reed family, which includes harmonicas and concertinas, supported by a scholarly history of free-reeds.
Australian Aboriginal Musical Instruments - Descriptions and images of the didjeridu, bullroarer, gum-leaf, and clapsticks.
CHICO Instrument Encyclopedia - Information categorized geographically and by type. Features histories and photos.
The Classical Free-Reed, Inc. - Offers information about free reed instruments including the accordian, bayan, concertina, harmonica, sheng and reed organ. Includes definitions, descriptions, history, articles, reviews and a performers directory.
Duke University Musical Instruments Collections - Collection built around a 2000 bequest of 400 instruments and 100 paintings from a Duke alumnus. Details of exhibits and performances.
Experimental Musical Instruments - Online archives of quarterly journal devoted to interesting and unusual musical instruments and sound sources, along with sales of instruments and guides on how to make and play them.
Face Music: Traditional Instruments of the Mongolia People - Brief descriptions and photographs.
Frequencies and Ranges - A table of extremely low musical notes matching frequencies with instruments able to play them. Links to pictures and articles including a subcontrabass clarinet built especially to play C-2, or 4 cycles per second.
Iberian Folk Instruments - Photographs, descriptions, and audio samples of traditional instruments and music-related images from the Iberian Peninsula.
The Institute Of Musical Instrument Technology - The main professional body covering the music industry. Features publication and membership details.
Lithuanian Instrumental Music - Photographs and descriptions of traditional instruments, article on ensembles, glossary, and bibliography.
Mechanical Music Digest - Moderated forum about musical instruments that play themselves. Published daily on the Internet and distributed primarily by e-mail.
MFA: Musical Instruments - Photographs and information about instruments in the extensive collection at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.
Musical Automata - Systematic recording project begun in 1980 documenting mechanical music devices from Vienna and Prague, with CDs available for sale beginning in 1999. Headed by Helmut Kowar of Phonogrammarchiv, the audiovisual research archive of the Austrian Academy of Sciences.
Musical Instrument Information - Annotated internet directory, and a help desk for personal assistance with your questions.
Musical Instruments - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - The Met presents an international array of musical instruments of historical, technical, and social importance, as well as tonal and visual beauty, from accordions to zithers.
Musiciansnews.com - News for musicians about instruments, artists and competitions.
NIU Musical Instrument Collection - Photographs and audio samples of instruments from around the world, organized alphabetically, geographically, and by type.
Pro-Music-News - News from the music industry and professional recording and P.A. technology and well as keyboards and percussion product news. [English/Deutsch]
Society for Self-playing Musical Instruments - Devoted to the devices and their use, design, history, and sale with links to museums and related organizations [English/Deutsch].
World Musical Instrument Gallery - Descriptions, photographs, and some sound samples of instruments in Randy Raine-Reusch's large collection.